The philistines have won this round!
The pullout of Israel from Gaza shows what the meddling of the Loony left can accomplish. (with the willing participation of our own Pres. Bush)
The philistines were never promised Gaza - only the Jews were promised the area. Not the Israeli's, just the Jews. That nation which called upon the God of Abraham in their time of need and then turned their back on Him when life was good.
The secularization of the nation of Israel has occurred at a much more rapid pace than in previous centuries. The Jews who began the current State of Israel would mourn the loss of the focus with which the nation was taken away from the philistines and grieve at the handing over of the land for which they fought.
Perhaps the question for Prime Minister Sharon should be:
At which Golden Calf do you worship ?
And for Pres. Bush:
Which Bible Translation do you have that tells you it's OK for the Jews to renegotiate the land deal with God the Father.
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