Monday, July 11, 2005

Malovent Malveaux

On Julianne Malveaux's conversation with Sean Hannity today:
  • Sean Hannity & Malveaux

  • It puzzles me why Malovent Malveaux would want to live in a nation she describes as being a "terrorist nation" It really seems like she might be more at home in idyllic Cuba, perhaps Holland or even Hell.
    The vitriol she dumps on this country is poisonous at best but rarely well written- except for her grammar which is above average.
    She merely adds fuel to the argument against Intelligent Design.

    And her excoriation against Clarence Thomas while not criminal, is at best in poor taste. If she were a muslim I would reccommend she be pelted with pork sausage at every event she shows up at.


    Anonymous said...

    Julianne Malveaux is a courageous American. She has the courage to tell us the truth about the country she loves.

    garficher said...

    a] first anonymous fool- Malovent Malveaux is a Loony Left dupe, she spews venom and hatred of this country in what appears to be "finding a niche" for her egocentric reporting style.
    She's not just a poor journalist, she's a very poor journalist.

    b] anonymous fool number two- it's easy to be arrogant when surrounded by poltroons such as you.
    stupid ? - I'll match IQ's with you any day.
    hatrd of dissenting viewpoints - you were allowed to leave a comment on this - MY blog were you not ?
    and is that a typo ? did you mean in or on ?

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